Southwark slab PVC light grey
Onze prijs per m²
€ 31,40
3.35 m² per pakket
Adviesprijs € 36.95
10.0% snijverlies berekenen?
Hoeveel m² heb je nodig?
Prijs: € 105,19
18,59Nowadays, concrete-look PVC is almost indistinguishable from a real concrete floor. With the Southwark you can effortlessly create a cool and industrial look. This tile can be perfectly combined with underfloor heating and cooling and also offers water resistance. Unlike some other click PVC floors from Floorlife, this variant does not have an integrated sound-absorbing layer, so the use of a separate subfloor is recommended.
General information
- Total thickness (mm): 2.5
- Top layer thickness (mm): 0.55
- Length (cm): 91.4
- Width (cm): 45.7
- Number of panels / pieces per pack: 8
- Number of m² per pack: 3.35 m²
- Usage class: 23 - heavy residential use
- Project use class: 34 - intensive